Contributed Photo/Courtesy EAC Discovery Park Campus: Reader believes the proposed 18-hole disc golf course not be allowed to be installed at EAC’s Discovery Park Campus over wildlife concerns and more.

Dear Editor,

I was surprised to read the Oct. 17 Gila Herald article about an “18-hole championship disc golf course” at EAC’s Discovery Park Campus. The story had apparently been written by the club and submitted as though the course had already been approved and work was starting, but it is my understanding that it has not yet been authorized and I am hoping it is not approved there.

While I personally love throwing discs, Discovery Park is not the place to develop a course. My concerns about the proposal touch on several issues:

I hope if an 18-hole championship disc course is really needed, that the nine-hole course at the Fairgrounds could be expanded or a more-appropriate location can be chosen by the club.

Diane Drobka


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