The Patriots and Packers gave us an amazing Week 13 SuperBowl Preview. My Week 13 quick picks went 6-5 but I will say a few things in my own defense.

These are my own Week 13 Upsets and WTFs:

We started out early last week putting together our Deadhit Sports Team Picks running right down the line we had:

Week 13 NFL Quick Picks: straight up quick Moneyline (straight) picks. No analysis and deep dives there, just your picks. I went 6-5, I’ve been worse and been better.

Patriots and Packers: We took the Under and it came through.

Redskins and Colts: I called for the Redskins to cover +9.5 and it just didn’t happen. I over-estimated the Skins and underestimated the Colts.

Cardinals and Falcons: Definitely thought this would’ve been alot closer than the final 11 points that it turned out to be. It was a 2.5 point line, as shaky as the Falcons have looks and as solid as the Cards defense has been all season, the 11 point spread on the final was a surprise.

Dolphins at Jets Monday Night Football Free Pick: Courtney’s calling the Under and we’ll have to wait but we all think it’s a solid call.

NFL Week 13 Highlights

Luck avoids pressure, heaves it downfield to the most open man in the history of the NFL Coby Fleener who drops it. Nice job.

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Mike Evans destroys Terrance Newman. This may be one of the best drops of the season or ever.

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Tom Brady is really fucking pissed off. Every Pats fan in the universe did the same thing.

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The Raiders are so good they’re tackling each other. Ray-Ray Armstrong takes out teammate during punt return.

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Trey Mason!

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Colt McCoy breaks three tackles and makes the pass. Give them time, the Redskins will be a force.

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The Vikings blocked a punt, returned it for a touchdown for the first time since 1986. Yes. 1986.

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Our boy Kenny Stills knows how to celebrate in Pittsburgh

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More Week 13 highlights and lowlights to come…